

库尔特·安德森, 北密歇根大道401号泽勒的总建筑工程师, 被评为2021年度建筑工程师.


告诉我们你在商业地产行业和Local 399的参与情况. 你是怎么开始的? 你在这个行业工作多久了? 你在北密歇根401号工作多久了?
My Father was the Chief Engineer at 680 Lake Shore Drive for many years - Most of my summers during high school were spent either cutting sprinkler pipe or punching boiler tubes there. I started with Local 399 a week before my 18th birthday at the Old Mandel Lear Building at 425 N. 密歇根. 那栋楼现在不见了,但它就在401号公路东边. 它是由管理401 N的同一家公司管理的. 当时401公司有一个招聘午夜工程师的机会, 我欣然接受了这个机会. I'm grateful to both Chiefs (401 and 425) for taking a chance on a kid with very little experience. 简短的回答是38年!

你已经参加/指导了几节课. Tell us about these classes and your involvement, and the benefits of being an instructor.
许多年前, 那时我还在工作到深夜, a building manager was giving a building tour to other managers and I was asked to give a quick tour of 401's mechanical space. Less than a minute into the tour the Building manager said "Kurt Please explain the Refrigeration Cycle to everyone... and specifically how it relates to these machines" It was a very specific question but luckily I had just enough training to actually explain it. 从那时起, 我意识到在你能向别人解释之前你真的不知道什么.

Jim Coates and I briefly worked for the same company before he transitioned into becoming Local 399's Training Director and Fund Administrator. 意识到401蒸汽工厂的规模和复杂性, 吉姆问他能不能带他的锅炉操作员班的学生来一次实地考察. 吉姆是一位了不起的工程师、老师、管理人员,后来变成了朋友. While I probably shouldn’t be in the same paragraph as Jim when it comes to teaching ability, 我总是很乐意以任何方式帮助他和其他未来的工程师.

博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台 and Local 399 have also both asked me to participate in several sustainability classes which would ultimately end in a tour of the physical plant to see some of the real-world applications we've achieved here over the years.

401 North 密歇根 recently obtained LEED Platinum certification and BOMA 360 designation. What was the motivation to achieve these designations and why should chief engineers in the industry aim to do the same? 对正在从事类似指定/认证工作的其他人有什么建议吗?
在我看来-指定项目包括LEED, BOMA 360, Well Health & 安全,Fitwell都强调了我们作为工程师所做的事情. 你申请的职位越多, 你就会越接近行业趋势,因为能源管理, 室内空气质量, 和可持续性都是密切相关的. 有相当多的重叠,既然我们已经做了,为什么不吹嘘一下呢? 但最重要的是,这是对环境有益的事情, 如果你的意图是好的,很多人都愿意帮助你.

在过去的5年里, 你和你的团队赔偿了555美元,每年节约能源成本5万英镑,并减少5%至15%的能源使用. 告诉我们更多十大网赌靠谱网址平台这一点-你是如何实现这一节省, 你如何追踪它, 这对你的房客有什么影响? 有什么经验教训吗??
Zeller has always had an Annual "能源 Challenge" in which all of our portfolio's buildings gather normalized utility info to compete to see which building could reduce their energy spend the most. 这是让我的团队参与创意的关键. We absolutely could not have won as many times as we did were it not for the teamwork shown by my crew. Management/Leasing/Security/Housekeeping worked with us and were instrumental in helping enforce and provide back up to some of our more creative ideas.

值得注意的是,我们从未牺牲过房客的安全或舒适.  竞争是我们不断降低成本的最初动力, 但随着时间的推移, Zeller Engineers in Chicago and all of our other markets would exchange ideas and best practices.  In my opinion the more impressive numbers in terms of money saved and carbon footprint reduction really lies in what ALL of the Zeller buildings were able to do cumulatively.

当你从事可持续发展或其他项目时, 你如何与租户分享目标和成就? 建筑工程师可以采取哪些步骤来真正与租户合作?
我总是告诉我的团队,在一天结束的时候,我们的成品是安全的, 舒适的, 清洁, 为我们的租户提供明亮的工作环境. 我想我团队中的大多数人也都认同这一点. 我的租户很清楚我的团队对此的承诺, and we always let them know a few days before we’re going to be in their space to 清洁/calibrate/adjust controls via a memo sent from the office.

Management is also great at having Town Hall Meetings every couple months and that goes a long way in keeping tenants informed on all things going on that they might not otherwise know about.

你已经对建筑的能源效率产生了如此重大的影响. 你将来会考虑哪些项目?会有什么影响?
我们最近安装了无线气动恒温器. 除了退税和明显的节能, it gives us the ability to monitor building temperatures in real time as well as build historical trends. We are also looking into installing trackers on all of our utility meters that can provide real time data. Having the ability to monitor these two things in real time opens up many possibilities-because we can immediately evaluate potential savings.

北密歇根401号是托比国际奖得主. 告诉我们你在TOBY过程中的参与和作用? What advice would you give to other engineers involved in a TOBY application now or in the future?
I think everyone (and there were many) involved in bringing 401 an International TOBY would agree, 这是百分之百的团队合作. 让所有部门朝着一个共同的目标努力是一件了不起的事情. 当所有部门都投入工作时,就像有额外的员工一样.

我也会推荐练习旅行, do as many as you can afford to do – they can be hours long and multiple practice runs quickly add up. 也就是说, 各部门的利益不仅在一起工作, but also understanding each one’s individual roles goes a long way even after the tours are over. I also split the mechanical space tours up so several different Engineering crew members lead their section of the tour. 这是展示我的团队对我们工厂的工作知识的好方法, 同时也展示了我们对团队合作的重视程度.

COVID对您的建筑和COVID有何影响? What are some of the measures and safety protocols you and your staff have taken to mitigate COVID in the building?
类似LEED、BOMA 360、Fitwell等., many of the things we already do were highlighted and we were able to showcase some of our 室内空气质量 protocols and maintenance best practices. We started doing nightly “Air Purges” to turn the building air over multiple times when there were no occupants, 同时增加了对高流量区域/接触点的清洁, 把手和电梯按钮上的纳米消毒/抗菌覆盖物, 面具的要求, 还有温度检查.

摩托车旅行, 野营, 钓鱼, 阅读, 吉他, and most importantly - anything that would involve my wife and kids all in the same room.

People who don't trust the governmental bodies we've had in place for decades to protect public health because they suddenly somehow know better.


一个是 “如果你总是说实话,你就不需要记住任何事情.” I originally gave him credit for it – but I think it was Mark Twain who actually came up with that.

In the mid 1980’s, he sent me an article on Building Automation with a handwritten note that said: “记住,没有比汽车更好的节能系统了 值班工程师.” 他在“好”这个词上加了高亮和下划线. 我还留着那张纸条.